Why DIY Critter Removal Can Be Dangerous: Leave it to the Experts

Exclusion Services NJ Critter Control | Humane Wildlife Removal New Jersey - (973) 747-5455

When faced with unwanted critters in our homes or properties, the temptation to handle the issue ourselves can be strong. We may assume that DIY critter removal is cost-effective, quick, and straightforward. However, what many don’t realize is that critter removal can be far more complex—and dangerous—than it appears on the surface. In fact, attempting to handle critter removal without the proper expertise and equipment could lead to serious risks, including injury, property damage, and health hazards.

Key Takeaways

The Hidden Dangers of DIY Critter Removal

Critters, ranging from raccoons, bats, and squirrels to snakes, Opossums, and skunks, have specific behaviors and defense mechanisms that make them difficult to handle. One of the primary dangers of attempting to remove critters yourself is the potential for personal injury. Many animals will become aggressive when cornered or threatened, and their bites, scratches, or stings can transmit diseases such as rabies or infections from bacteria and parasites.

For example, handling a wild raccoon could expose you to rabies, a deadly virus that can spread through bites or scratches. Bats, commonly found in attics, can also carry rabies, while rodents may bring fleas, mites, or even the hantavirus, which is a serious respiratory illness. The health risks associated with critter removal should never be underestimated, and it’s critical to understand that wildlife can carry a host of pathogens that can infect both humans and pets.

The Importance of Professional Training and Equipment

Professional wildlife removal experts are equipped with the knowledge and specialized tools required to safely and effectively remove critters from residential or commercial properties. The proper critter removal process involves more than just trapping and releasing the animal. Experts are trained to assess the behavior and health of the animal, identify points of entry into the property, and implement preventive measures to avoid future infestations.

DIY attempts often lack the same level of precaution, leading to accidents, improper handling, or further property damage. Even if a homeowner manages to trap the animal, they may not know the best practices for relocating it or what to do if the animal is injured or ill. This is why relying on professional critter removal services is essential—they provide a comprehensive approach that includes removal, prevention, and health safeguards.

The Risk of Property Damage

DIY critter removal can also result in significant property damage. Many critters will chew through wiring, insulation, and even support beams to create nests or gain entry into homes. Squirrels, for instance, are notorious for gnawing on electrical wires, creating fire hazards. Birds and bats may leave droppings that can deteriorate building materials and create biohazard concerns.

Removing critters yourself, without understanding their nesting habits or how they’ve entered the property, can exacerbate the damage. Improper techniques, such as using poison or traps inappropriately, can result in dead animals within the walls or other inaccessible areas, leading to foul odors and expensive repair work.

A man uses a drill to secure wire mesh to a vent on a house.

Understanding Local Wildlife Laws and Regulations

Another key consideration that many homeowners overlook is the legal aspect of critter removal. Different states and municipalities have specific regulations regarding the handling and relocation of wildlife. Some species are protected by law, meaning it’s illegal to trap or kill them without proper permits. Ignorance of these regulations can result in hefty fines or legal action.

Professional wildlife control experts are well-versed in these regulations and will ensure that all removal practices are carried out legally and ethically. They are trained to handle wildlife in a way that is humane, compliant with local laws, and sensitive to environmental concerns. Attempting DIY critter removal without this knowledge can lead to unintended legal consequences and violations of wildlife protection laws.

Long-Term Solutions for Preventing Infestations

One of the biggest advantages of using a professional service for critter removal is the focus on long-term prevention. Simply removing an animal is not enough to prevent future problems. Wildlife control specialists will thoroughly inspect the property to identify potential entry points, such as gaps in siding, broken vents, or unsealed chimneys. They will then take action to repair and seal these areas to prevent further access.

DIY efforts often miss these critical steps, leading to repeat infestations. Without addressing the root cause, such as an attractive food source or structural vulnerability, critters are likely to return. Professionals provide peace of mind by offering ongoing monitoring and maintenance, ensuring that your home remains critter-free in the future.

Why Trust the Experts?

When it comes to critter removal, trusting the experts is not only the safest option but also the most effective. While DIY approaches may seem cost-efficient at first, they often lead to greater expenses in the long run due to property damage, medical bills, or repeated infestations. Additionally, professionals bring a level of knowledge, equipment, and experience that ensures the job is done right the first time.

Wildlife removal experts also prioritize humane solutions, following ethical guidelines for the safe relocation of animals and protecting both homeowners and the environment. By choosing professional critter removal, you avoid the pitfalls and dangers of DIY efforts and gain the confidence of a pest-free home.


Common signs of critter activity include scratching noises in walls or ceilings, droppings, foul odors, gnaw marks, and damaged insulation or wiring. You may also see signs of nesting materials, such as twigs, leaves, or fur, near entry points like vents, chimneys, or gaps in the exterior.

DIY critter removal can lead to serious health risks, including bites, scratches, and the transmission of diseases like rabies or hantavirus. Additionally, mishandling wildlife may result in property damage or legal issues if protected species are involved. It’s best to leave critter removal to professionals who are trained and equipped for the job.

Critters can return if the entry points or attractants that brought them in originally are not addressed. Professional critter removal services include thorough inspections to identify and seal off entry points, as well as recommendations for habitat modifications to prevent future infestations.

The duration of critter removal depends on the type of animal, the extent of the infestation, and the accessibility of the critter’s location. A typical removal could take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, but more extensive infestations may require longer-term strategies.

If you suspect a critter in your home, avoid attempting to trap or remove it yourself, as this could lead to injury or health risks. Instead, contact a professional critter removal service like Kritter Catchers at (973) 747-5455 for a safe and effective solution.


In conclusion, the dangers and complexities of critter removal are often underestimated. While it may seem like a quick fix to handle the situation yourself, the potential health risks, property damage, and legal issues make DIY efforts far more costly in the long run. Trained professionals offer not only the expertise and equipment needed to safely remove wildlife but also provide long-term solutions to prevent future infestations. Your home and safety are worth protecting, and choosing a professional service ensures that the job is done right.

Don’t put yourself or your property at risk—Call Kritter Catchers now at (973) 747-5455! Let the experts handle the situation with care and precision, keeping your home critter-free and secure.

Trusted Wildlife Removal By NJ Residents | Humane Wildlife Removal New Jersey - (973) 747-5455


A compassionate expert at Kritter Catchers specializing in humane wildlife removal in New Jersey.  Through Kritter Catchers, Killian aims to foster coexistence, offering innovative and humane approaches to create a harmonious environment where both humans and animals thrive. 

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