Top Signs You Need Professional Opossum Removal

Opossum Removal NJ | Humane Wildlife Opossum Removal New Jersey - (973) 747-5455

Opossums, often seen as harmless wanderers of the night, can quickly become a nuisance when they invade your property. These nocturnal creatures are known for their adaptability and resourcefulness, often making their homes in urban areas where food and shelter are readily available. While opossums play a beneficial role in the ecosystem by controlling insect populations and cleaning up carrion, their presence in residential areas can lead to a host of problems.

When opossums start to take up residence in your attic, crawl space, or even under your porch, the situation can escalate quickly. Not only do they pose a risk of structural damage as they search for nesting sites, but they also carry potential health hazards, including diseases that can affect both humans and pets. Recognizing the early signs of an opossum infestation is crucial in preventing these problems from worsening.

Professional opossum removal services are essential in managing these situations effectively. Attempting to remove opossums on your own can be challenging and even dangerous, as these animals can become defensive if threatened. Experts in wildlife control have the tools and knowledge to safely and humanely remove opossums from your property, ensuring that your home remains secure and free from unwanted guests. With the right approach, opossum removal can be a straightforward process that restores peace and safety to your home. 

Key Takeaways

Identifying Opossums: Common Traits

Opossums are unique creatures that stand out due to their distinct physical characteristics and behaviors. Recognizing these traits is the first step in identifying whether an opossum has made your property its home, a critical factor in determining when opossum removal might be necessary. With their white faces, pointed snouts, and large, dark eyes, opossums are easily distinguishable from other wildlife. Their fur is typically a blend of gray and white, and they possess a long, hairless tail that aids in balance and carrying materials. Adult opossums can grow to a considerable size, with some reaching up to 40 inches in length, including their tail.

Behaviorally, opossums are nocturnal and solitary, making them most active at night. They move slowly and deliberately, and one of their most well-known defense mechanisms is “playing dead” when threatened, a behavior that can confuse predators. This tendency to be active at night often leads to disturbances in human environments, such as rummaging through garbage or causing noise in attics and crawl spaces.

Understanding these traits is crucial for identifying an opossum presence on your property. When these signs are observed, it’s important to consider professional opossum removal to avoid the risks associated with having these animals in close proximity to your home. Differentiating opossums from other wildlife, such as raccoons or rats, is essential in ensuring that the correct removal methods are used, as each species requires a tailored approach. Through proper identification, opossum removal can be carried out more effectively, safeguarding your home and health. 

Signs of Opossum Presence

Detecting the presence of opossums on your property can be challenging, especially since these creatures are nocturnal and tend to stay hidden during the day. However, there are several signs that can indicate an opossum infestation, making it easier to determine when opossum removal is necessary. One of the most common signs is hearing unusual noises at night. Opossums are known for making scratching, scurrying, and rustling sounds as they move through walls, attics, and crawl spaces. These noises often occur late at night or in the early hours of the morning, disrupting the peace and signaling that an unwanted guest may be present.

Another significant sign of opossum presence is the smell. Opossums can emit a strong, musky odor, particularly if they have nested in your home for some time. This smell can permeate your living spaces, becoming more noticeable as the infestation grows. Additionally, the sight of droppings around your property is a clear indicator of opossum activity. Opossum droppings are typically large, dark, and have a distinct shape, which can help differentiate them from the waste of other animals.

Physical damage to your property can also be a telltale sign of opossum presence. Opossums are adept at finding entry points into homes, often through damaged vents, loose siding, or gaps in the foundation. Once inside, they may cause further destruction as they create nesting sites, leading to torn insulation, chewed wires, and other forms of structural damage. If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to act quickly. Engaging professional opossum removal services ensures that the issue is handled humanely and efficiently, preventing further damage and potential health risks associated with an infestation. 

Opossum Removal NJ | Humane Wildlife Opossum Removal New Jersey - (973) 747-5455

Why Opossums Are a Concern

Opossums may seem harmless at first glance, but their presence on your property can lead to several serious concerns. One of the primary issues is the potential health risks associated with these animals. Opossums are known carriers of various diseases, including leptospirosis, tuberculosis, and even the deadly rabies virus. Their droppings can also harbor bacteria and parasites that can contaminate your home, putting both humans and pets at risk. This is why opossum removal is crucial when an infestation is detected; it helps to eliminate these health hazards before they can affect your family.

In addition to health risks, opossums can cause significant damage to your property. They have strong, sharp claws and teeth that they use to tear apart insulation, chew through wires, and create nesting sites in attics, basements, and crawl spaces. This type of structural damage can lead to costly repairs, especially if the opossums have been in residence for an extended period. The sooner opossum removal is initiated, the less extensive the damage is likely to be.

Given these risks, it’s clear that opossum removal is not just about getting rid of a nuisance; it’s about protecting your health, your property, and your pets. Professional wildlife control services can provide effective solutions to manage opossum infestations, ensuring that your home remains safe and secure from these potential dangers. 

Common Opossum Hiding Spots

Opossums are masters at finding secluded, dark places to hide, making it challenging to detect them until they have already caused problems. These animals are highly adaptable and can take up residence in a variety of locations around your property. Knowing where opossums are likely to hide can help you identify an infestation early and seek opossum removal before the situation escalates.

One of the most common hiding spots for opossums is within attics. Attics provide the perfect environment for nesting, as they are often quiet, warm, and offer plenty of insulation materials for building a cozy den. Opossums may enter attics through damaged vents, loose roofing shingles, or gaps around chimneys. Once inside, they can cause significant damage by tearing up insulation and chewing on electrical wiring, which can also pose a fire hazard.

Basements and crawl spaces are also prime hiding spots for opossums. These areas are typically dark and rarely disturbed, making them ideal for an opossum seeking shelter. The presence of a crawl space or basement access point can attract opossums, especially if there is easy entry through broken foundation vents or unsecured access doors. In these hidden spots, opossums can create nests, store food, and raise their young, often without being noticed until the infestation is well-established. 

How to Confirm an Opossum Infestation

Confirming an opossum infestation on your property requires a careful examination of several key indicators. Opossums are nocturnal and elusive, so spotting them directly can be difficult. However, there are specific signs that can help you determine whether these animals have taken up residence in or around your home, making opossum removal a necessary step to protect your property and health.

One of the most reliable ways to confirm an opossum infestation is by identifying the sounds they make. Opossums are known for producing a variety of noises, especially during the night. If you hear scratching, rustling, or scurrying sounds coming from your attic, basement, or walls, it could be a sign that opossums are nesting in your home. Additionally, opossums may hiss or growl when threatened, and you might hear these vocalizations if you unknowingly disturb their hiding spot.

Another sign of an opossum infestation is the presence of droppings. Opossum droppings are typically large and tubular, often found in clusters around the areas they frequent. These droppings not only confirm the presence of opossums but also pose a health risk, as they can carry harmful bacteria and parasites. The smell of urine or a musty odor in enclosed spaces, such as attics or crawl spaces, can also be a strong indicator of an infestation.

When to Consider Professional Opossum Removal

Deciding when to involve professional opossum removal services can make a significant difference in the safety and well-being of your home. While some homeowners may be tempted to handle the situation themselves, the risks associated with improper removal methods often outweigh the benefits. If you notice signs of an opossum infestation, such as unusual noises at night, droppings, or physical damage to your property, it’s important to consider professional help as soon as possible.

Opossums, though generally not aggressive, can become defensive if cornered or threatened. This behavior can pose a danger to both you and your pets. Additionally, opossums are known carriers of diseases, such as leptospirosis and salmonella, which can be transmitted through contact with their droppings or urine. These health risks underscore the importance of professional opossum removal, as experts have the training and equipment needed to safely and humanely handle the animals.

Another key factor in deciding when to seek professional opossum removal is the complexity of the infestation. Opossums often hide in hard-to-reach areas, such as attics, crawl spaces, or under decks. Attempting to remove them without proper tools or knowledge can result in incomplete removal, leading to ongoing problems and further damage. Professional wildlife control specialists can assess the situation, identify all entry points, and ensure that the opossums are fully removed from your property. 

The Process of Professional Opossum Removal

The process of professional opossum removal involves several key steps designed to ensure a thorough and humane resolution to an infestation. When you first contact a wildlife control expert, the initial step is a comprehensive inspection of your property. During this inspection, the specialist will look for signs of opossum activity, such as droppings, nesting materials, and potential entry points where the animals might have gained access to your home. This assessment is crucial for understanding the scope of the infestation and planning an effective removal strategy.

Once the inspection is complete, the next step involves setting traps and safely capturing the opossums. Professionals use specialized traps designed to humanely capture the animals without causing harm. These traps are placed in strategic locations based on the findings from the inspection, such as near entry points or within areas where opossum activity was observed. The traps are monitored regularly to ensure that any captured opossums are promptly removed from the property.

After capturing the opossums, the removal process continues with sealing off entry points and repairing any damage caused by the animals. This step is essential to prevent future infestations. The wildlife control experts will identify and seal gaps, holes, or other vulnerabilities that allowed the opossums to enter your home in the first place. This comprehensive approach ensures that the problem does not recur and helps to maintain the structural integrity of your property. 


Common signs of an opossum infestation include unusual nocturnal noises such as scratching or rustling coming from attics, walls, or crawl spaces. You may also notice opossum droppings, which are large, dark, and tubular, along with a strong, musty odor in enclosed areas. Physical damage around entry points, such as torn insulation or chewed wires, can also indicate the presence of opossums. If you observe these signs, it is important to consider professional opossum removal to address the infestation effectively.

To prevent opossums from entering your home, ensure that all potential entry points are sealed. Check for and repair any gaps or holes in vents, roofing, and the foundation of your home. Secure trash bins with tight-fitting lids and remove any outdoor food sources that may attract these animals. Regularly inspect your property for signs of damage or entry points, and maintain cleanliness around your home to discourage opossums from finding shelter.

Professional opossum removal is often necessary due to the complexity of dealing with wildlife infestations. Opossums can be challenging to handle safely, and attempting to remove them yourself can be dangerous. Professionals have the expertise, equipment, and knowledge to perform humane trapping and removal, address potential health risks, and repair damage caused by the opossums. Seeking professional help ensures a thorough and effective resolution to the infestation.

If you find an opossum in your attic or basement, it is best to contact a professional wildlife control service immediately. Attempting to remove the opossum yourself can be risky, as these animals may become defensive. A professional will conduct a thorough inspection, set humane traps, and safely remove the opossum from your property. Additionally, they will seal entry points and provide recommendations to prevent future infestations.

The duration of the opossum removal process can vary depending on the severity of the infestation and the size of your property. Typically, the process involves an initial inspection, humane trapping, and removal, which may take a few days. After capturing the opossums, additional time may be required for sealing entry points and addressing any property damage. A professional wildlife control service will provide a timeline based on the specific circumstances of your infestation.


Addressing an opossum infestation promptly and effectively is crucial for maintaining the safety and integrity of your home. These nocturnal creatures, while often overlooked, can lead to significant health risks and property damage if not managed correctly. By understanding the common signs of an opossum infestation and recognizing when it’s time to seek professional help, you can take the necessary steps to safeguard your living environment.

Professional opossum removal offers a comprehensive approach to dealing with these unwanted guests. From thorough inspections and humane trapping to sealing entry points and providing preventive advice, the expertise of wildlife control specialists ensures that your home remains secure and free from future infestations. The complexity of opossum removal requires the skill and experience of trained professionals to address both the immediate problem and any potential risks associated with these animals.

If you suspect an opossum infestation or want to ensure that your home is protected from wildlife intrusions, don’t hesitate to take action. Call Kritter Catchers now at +1-877-468-5748 to schedule a professional inspection and receive expert assistance in resolving any opossum-related issues. Your peace of mind and the safety of your home are just a phone call away. 

Trusted Wildlife Removal By NJ Residents | Humane Wildlife Removal New Jersey - (973) 747-5455


A compassionate expert at Kritter Catchers specializing in humane wildlife removal in New Jersey.  Through Kritter Catchers, Killian aims to foster coexistence, offering innovative and humane approaches to create a harmonious environment where both humans and animals thrive. 

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